I want to welcome you to my website personally. It has been a labour of love for many years since I first had the idea in my teens in the early 70’s. Then life happened and it got put aside. I have spent most of my life working in and around the music business; and most of that in wholesale distribution of musical instruments, professional audio, and consumer electronics, even a short stint as a booking agent for local artists in the Montreal area. Music has always been a huge part of my life as a performer, vocalist and guitar player. I’m very proud to have had the opportunity to have performed at Canada’s Centennial celebration at Montreal’s Expo ’67. In October of 2016 the opportunity arose for me to start ProSpec Strings and the website went live on October 16th, 2016. I registered the company in April of 2017 and then Incorporated in 2020. The company has been steadily growing since and keeping me busy in my retirement. ProSpec Strings is a unique experience and completely different from any other music retailer in Canada. While we do not offer any musical instruments as such, we focus on high-end and hard-to-find accessories. Please browse and take a look at our offerings, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out and know this. When you message ProSpec Strings your message comes directly to me, the boss, not to an employee or customer service agent and you will always get my best.
ProSpec comes from two words. PROfessional and SPECification. We are up to PRO SPEC!
Thank you,
Wayne Vallis